Sustainable livestock production and its relevance to SDG targets

Sustainable livestock production and its relevance to SDG targets

Livestock production has come under increased pressure in recent years to become more sustainable. This is due to the various impacts animal rearing has on the environment, human health, and the global economy. As a result, sustainable livestock production has now become part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is seen as a key part of alleviating global poverty.

Environmental impacts

The agricultural industry is by far the most significant polluter of freshwater resources in the world, and livestock production is a major contributor to this. Livestock production can lead to water pollution caused by animal waste and fertilisers, and increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Sustainable livestock production seeks to address these issues by reducing agrochemical inputs and improving water management. This will help to reduce the environmental impact of animal rearing and ensure the continued livelihood of farmers.

Human health

In developing countries, there is a huge reliance on livestock production for human nutrition. The majority of the population relies on subsistence farming and livestock to provide food and income. Thus, sustainable livestock production plays an important role in improving nutrition and the livelihoods of many people. Sustainable practices, such as improving nutrition and animal health, will help to alleviate hunger and poverty.

Global economy

Livestock production is one of the major drivers of the global economy. The industry contributes billions to the economy and employs millions of people. Sustainable practices are essential for the long-term success of the industry as they ensure the continued livelihood of farmers and support economic growth. Sustainable practices, such as reducing the use of harmful chemicals and improving animal health, will help to protect the global economy and ensure that advantages are shared between producers and consumers.


Sustainable livestock production is essential for improving human health, protecting the environment, and preserving the global economy. Sustainable practices, such as reducing agrochemical inputs, improved water management, and better animal health, are essential for achieving the SDG targets. Thus, sustainable livestock production is an important part of alleviating global poverty and promoting economic growth.

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