Small Steps, Big Impact: Arabuko’s Efforts in SDG Fulfillment through promoting small scale farmers aggregate and find market for their produce

Small Steps, Big Impact: Arabuko’s Efforts in SDG Fulfillment

The Sengwer Indigenous Community in Kenya is a group of forest-dwelling people who rely on the Arabuko Sokoke Forest for their livelihood and food. A few decades ago, reckless human deforestation led to destruction of their habitat and the Sengwer became vulnerable to poverty, compromised health, and marginalisation. In a bid to reverse this damage, Arabuko was launched.

Empowering Small Scale Farmers

Sengwer depended largely on the forests goods and services, and so, poverty became inevitable once the government began to meddle into the forests’ affairs. In response, Arabuko was established with a mission of empowering and supporting small scale farmers in the region. Here are a few ways they are making a difference:

  • Creating an online platform: Arabuko uploads details of farmers produce on their online marketplace. This allows the farmers to get an integrated view of market prices and consequently enables them to fetch good prices for their produce.
  • Awareness campaigns: Arabuko educates and creates awareness among its farmers about the availability of markets and modern farming techniques. Through these campaigns, the farmers gain useful knowledge about the agricultural sector.
  • Aggregating farmers’ produce: Arabuko provides an aggregation platform for farmers. Through this platform, the farmers can aggregate their produce on the site and attract market for their produce.

Driving SDGs through small-scale farmers

Poverty, hunger, and inequality were the three major developmental challenges identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to its mission of supporting small-scale farmers, Arabuko works towards achieving these developmental goals. Through its unique platform, it creates opportunities for job creation and improving small-scale farmers’ incomes.

Ultimately, Arabuko is a social enterprise looking to bridge the gap between small-scale farmers in the region, and providing them with the market for their produce. In this way, it not only brings motivation to the farmers, but also aids in the general development of the Sengwer Indigenous Community.

In conclusion, Arabuko’s continuous efforts towards empowering small-scale farmers have resulted in a profound impact on the lives of Sengwer Indigenous Community, and it has demonstrated a glimpse of hope by driving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals towards fruition.

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