Empowering Women in Kajiado County: A Safeguarding Training Initiative by Arabuko Limited and 8Fold Capacity.

In a bid to promote community well-being and safety, a training initiative recently took place in Kajiado County, Kenya. The program, facilitated Arabuko Limited and spearheaded by 8fold Capacity Organization, focused on empowering women with essential knowledge and skills in safeguarding. The goal was to equip young women, under the Arabuko Aggregator Enhancement Program with the awareness needed to protect themselves, their children, and the broader community.

Kajiado County, known for its vibrant culture and rich traditions, also faces some challenges that require a proactive approach towards community safety. Recognizing the pivotal role that women play in their society, the training aimed at creating a knowledgeable and resilient community through educating young women.

The training sessions, conducted by Deborah Nyambane and Sophia Kwamboka from 8fold Capacity, covered a spectrum of topics designed to address the multifaceted aspects of safeguarding. From personal safety to child protection and community security, the curriculum was carefully crafted to ensure comprehensive coverage. The women participating in the program (including the Arabuko team) were engaged in interactive sessions, creating an environment conducive to learning and sharing experiences.

Sophie Kwamboka and Deborah Nyambane of 8Fold Capacity Limited with Mercy Kaburu Arabuko’s Project Officer, Kajiado County.

One key aspect of the training was personal safety awareness. Women were educated on practical strategies to enhance their personal security, both at home and in public spaces. This included guidance on recognizing potential threats, effective communication during emergencies, and the importance of fostering a community-wide safety network.

Child protection was another critical focus area, acknowledging the significant responsibility mothers bear in nurturing the next generation. The training provided insights into recognizing signs of abuse, implementing preventive measures, and fostering open communication with children. By empowering mothers with this knowledge, the program sought to create a protective shield around the community’s youngest members.

Community security, the third pillar of the training, addressed the collective responsibility of safeguarding the neighbourhood. Participants were encouraged to actively engage with their communities, forming alliances that could serve as a strong foundation for a secure and supportive environment. The women learned to identify and report suspicious activities, fostering a culture of vigilance and cooperation.

The impact of this safeguarding training extends far beyond individual participants. By letting them know that “Safeguarding begins with you” we aimed to empower women as key agents of change. The initiative strives to create a ripple effect that enhances the overall safety and well-being of Kajiado County.

The collaboration between 8fold Capacity and Arabuko Limited demonstrates the strength of partnerships in creating meaningful and sustainable community development. By combining the efforts of both 8fold Capacity and Arabuko Limited, the training aimed to create a holistic learning experience for the women of Kajiado County. The two teams brought a wealth of experience and expertise, enriching the sessions with practical insights and real-world examples.

As the women of Kajiado County continue to apply the knowledge gained from this training in their daily lives, the hope is that the entire community will thrive in an environment characterized by safety, resilience, and empowered individuals. Through initiatives like these, the path towards a brighter and more secure future for Kajiado County and Kenya as a whole , is paved with informed and empowered women at its forefront.

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